Monday, January 19, 2009

Loooooow Baby

I had my 37 week appointment with my midwife today (a day before 37 weeks :)) We talked about all of the prepping signs I'm getting from my body and she confirmed that the baby is quite low in my pelvis. This is all good news. Of course labour could still be weeks away, but it's encouraging to see progress already being made.

I scheduled two more appointments. She said she doesn't think I'll likely make it to the next one with her (two weeks from today) but I scheduled it anyway because I really like having the first appointment of the morning and it's easier to have Monday appointments when I can (which I can't with my primary midwife because she doesn't work Mondays). So I will have two appointments while I'm 38 weeks (unless I have a baby)... the next one is a 38 weeks even, and the one after that at 38+6.

We had a busy day today running errands and I'm wiped. I'm going to head to bed early to see if I can get some extra sleep in before James starts his three straight 13+ hour days...


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