Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Almost halfway there...

I had another midwife appointment this morning. This time with J. She also had an internationally trained midwifery student with her. It was a fairly uneventful appointment. BP was good, baby was cooperative. J heard the heartbeat on the fetoscope but couldn't keep it long enough to time it. It's early yet though so that she heard it at all is awesome :)

I got the results of the ultrasound from Friday and based on the results I'm going for a repeat next week. They want to get another look at one section of the heart. Hopefully everything looks perfect when we go. I must say I was impressed with the speed. I had the ultrasound Friday, results were already processed and waiting for me at 9:00 this morning, and by the time I left at 9:40 I already had another appointment time scheduled for next week.

My next appointment is May 13th, exactly a month from now. Tobias wants to come with :) He is very very excited about this pregnancy.


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