Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a Day for a Birthday

Since it looks like baby could arrive anytime (or not for another month or more lol) I decided to come up with something cool/positive if I can about every day... So for 37 weeks:

January 20: Obama officially takes office
January 22: Last day I can have a baby that is at least a week old by the time of T's appointment at KGH next week (which I really wanted... either a one week+ old baby or an inside baby)
January 25: All of my major support people will be in town and avaliable
January 26: Chinese New Year

I couldn't come up with anything for Wednesday, Friday or Saturday but of those only Saturday would be really not good... James is at work all day, Andra is in Toronto, and Mom is in Kingston. Baby needs to either come up before that or stay in until Sunday ;-)


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